Sunday, August 31, 2008

Transform the monkey!

A while back, Tim found a recipe in one of my kids cookbooks for Monkey shakes. Click here to see what I've done to it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

God is a Muskrat

Over there under the BlogHer ad, do you see the link that says ...Muskrat? CLICK IT! Read it! It's so funny!!

In case it's gone, here's the link. God Is A Muskrat

Are you jumping?

I read an interesting snippet this morning on a fitness blog that I read. I think this might be a good idea for me to try. I used to LOVE jumping rope, so this may be something that I could actually stick with and it's SOOOOOOOOOOO portable! I can do it almost anywhere. Check it out: Are you jumping?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Trip

The planets have aligned themselves so well that I am able to leave Friday and return on Monday for a weekend in NEW YORK! Many of you know that my DH works out of town, he's been gone 2 1/2 weeks and we all miss him like crazy, but I get to go out there to see him! We had enough Frequent Flyer Miles from all those years he was doing this before, so we're putting them to use. Tim's sister, Christine, offered to take all four boys for the weekend and the girl I babysit for was able to get another sitter for Friday. WOOHOO! Friday night we are going to go to The Bayou for Cajun food. That was all I asked for, I've been craving the Mardi Gras Pasta since we were there last time. The rest of the weekend is anybody's guess, but I'm so looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday if he'll let me!!

Full update to come when we get back!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Planets are Aligning!

I may have a trip in my future.........with NO KIDS!


Strictly photos...

To make up for the last couple of weeks, here's some pictures!

JoJo all ready to go to Granny's house.

Poppa and the boys after they got back from fishing....My dad was sure surprised that the boys could put their own bait on and take their own fish off....he wasn't going to fish, but the boys made him!

Yummy chocolate zucchini birthday cake! He fell asleep about the same time he finished.

JoJo's cool sunglasses. Yes, that's an owie by his nose. He went nose first into a plastic milk crate. OUCH! If he'd quit picking at it, it might go away someday.

Rugby at the last day of the Summer Reading Program. They have a little cookout at the park and activities.

JoJo had to be in the tree, too.

JoJo and Tucker having treats.

Riley and his snowcone at the SRP.

Tuck loves PIE!

I'm A Sideshow Freak

This weekend was the Cucumber Festival in town. Now, being a mom of 4 BOYS I tend to attract a lot of attention with that fact alone, but add to that my hubby being out of town and I take all four of them alone and you've got a bird of another color all together.

The comments range from the rude "OMG! You have FOUR BOYS?! You poor woman!"

to the awstruck, "I don't know how you do it!"

I've even gotten a few "You are so amazing!"

Well, I didn't ask for this. I don't think I'm special. I'm certainly not amazing. I'm just a mom with four boys....four very active little boys who enjoy a good street carnival as much as families who only have one or two children. I don't think that the size of my family should limit us on where we go or what we do. Sure we have more financial restrictions than if we only had 1 or 2 kids, but that was our choice and we are doing fine.

And, why should a "single" mom not take her four kids to something like that?! I mean really....why should I stay home and not enjoy all life has to offer just because I chose to have more children than most? I taught my kids manners and patience and how to behave in social situations. I don't get much begging or crying. My kids RESPECT my answers when they have a question. When we are out, then the best behavior better be there. They know that's what's expected and they live up to it. It doesn't mean that they don't get to have fun or be little boys. It means they have no running up and down the street and all over without telling me exactly where they're going to be. You want to go jump in the bouncy house? GREAT! I'll be right here, come back when you're done. Simple as that. Usually I'm within sight of them, anyway.

So, I didn't ask to be the sideshow freak at the street carnival, but apparently we're quite entertaining.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Not feeling it

I want to blog, really I do. I have pictures and we've been busy doing things, but I just haven't felt like getting everything loaded and doing it.

We're going to have company the 18th thru 20th and Tim will be back around the 23rd, so we'll see if I feel up to getting that done before I have that much more to blog about.

My good friends Adam and Kelly took the boys for a bit last night so that I could escape for a bit and it was WONDERFUL! I ate dinner from Acoustic Cafe on Broadway in Menomonie and it was open mic night. The one guy I heard was really good. I grabbed my food and left because I have mommy guilt for being away and enjoying myself. I had a haircut while at walmart (there's a Cost Cutters there) and it didn't turn out bad at all....once I did it myself today. The girl had done a terrible job of styling it. Then I came home and we celebrated the end of Kelly's summer school with a bottle of champagne. YUM! And earlier we had a bottle of blueberry wine from Kerrigan Brothers. It was better with Sprite in it, but it was good.

So, anyway, I need to go get something ready to take to Adam and Kelly's for dinner tonight. Hopefully I'll have more to come for you later!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

it's hot.

Sorry I posted that. I shouldn't post when I'm in a bad mood. Normal programming to return soon.........I hope.