Saturday, June 10, 2006

I can see my closet floor!

And I'm POOPED OUT because of it! We worked our little tails off today. Mom and Dad came over and helped us this afternoon. Mom and I packed stuff from our room and Tim and Dad worked on fixing the mower and cleaning the driveway. This morning, Tim and I worked on finishing laying the landscape block and ended up adding a little rock thing under the basement window that really dresses up the south side of the house nice! Things are getting packed up nicely, though so that's a good start.

We hit a really good rummage today, too and I think we finished shopping for the baby's first year....the only thing we don't have yet is a high chair.

I'll post pix of the house and yard tomorrow if I think of it. I didn't get any taken so far, but need to have that done soon for the flyers to sell the house. Good night!

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