Sunday, December 16, 2007

Project 365

Well, Ladies and Gents (are there even any Gents that read this? If they do, they haven't commented yet....well, except the Ghost telling me to feed my BABY a ham sandwich....)

Anyway, I found something a few weeks ago that sounded interesting. I think I'd enjoy tackling it, though I can certainly see it being a major challenge. Here it is: Project 365. Basically, you take a picture of your life every single day for an entire year.

First, there is the issue of batteries. I am terrible about remembering to charge them and my camera is fussy and doesn't like the non-re chargeables. Probably a good thing.

Second, I HATE having my picture taken. I know I'd be semi-ok with this since I'd be taking MY OWN picture. (Gonna get friendly with the timer). But still, it's my picture. Ugh. I can't even think about that right now.

Third, I think I have a fear of being good. I have a hard time, recently, being creative and thinking creatively. I think if I were in that mindset on a daily basis, it might help to improve the flow of creative juices around here. (Can I borrow Rugby's?)

Anyway, just an idea I'm tossing around. I'd probably set up a Flickr account to post them on, which means I'd have to load them. Last year, my New Years Resolution was to label EVERY SINGLE photo I took and I did great with that....until early July, then I went to pieces. And I now have a ton of photos to name before the end of the year when I burn them to disc....unless I don't feel like it, in which case they'll end up burned with the camera given titles. Such good intentions.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? Would you like to see 365 days in the life of Margie? There's a probable move and a graduation coming over the next year, not to mention all the other goodies of growing kids. So, thoughts? If I do it, anyone wanna join me?

And here's a link to Cinnamon's Flickr, she's working on it this year, so you can see one in progress: Cinnamon's 365


  1. I love it! I wanna do it too! But I won't be able to post mine right away :( Nothing hooked up at home yet. The next time we talk...we'll have to discuss this too

  2. I think it is a great idea!

    Of course I am around reading your blog.I like the one with food in it too.

  3. I pretty much took a picture of every single day in my child's life for the 1st year. Seriously...looking back, there were maybe only 10 days that I missed.

    I am a photo-aholic. So, it almost killed me when the digital camera broke. I spent a fortune in disposables while waiting for the digital to be repaired. If I had known it was going to take so long, I would have bought another digital camera....

  4. What an interesting idea! Personally, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't keep up with it. Maybe something with words for me? Like I have to write a page a day (even on weekends) for the next year. Let me mull it over. I take my NY resolutions seriously, so I have to really think them through.


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