I love comments. In fact, that's probably my favorite thing about blogging. I love knowing that something I'm saying or doing is enjoyed by and/or helping others. Maybe I'm just letting you know that you aren't alone in a situation. (Last week my two-year old fell down the concrete stairs at the library. Now he has a big ole gash between his eyes...that'll look GREAT for Christmas pictures! Surely I'm not the only mom with kids falling down the stairs....) So, on the RARE occassion that someone does comment, usually I can't reply because the comments come from "noreply-comment @ blogger. com" and like the address states, I can't reply. It's so sad! So, sometimes I have time to search that persons blog to get an e-mail address or reply to their post or they have no blog and I can't reply at all. So, here I am asking for you, my loyal readers, to do me a favor. Go here and read this tutorial....then follow it and come back here to leave me a comment. And I WILL reply! Simple!
Pretty please?
Hey Jess, I've had problems leaving comments lately -- not sure if it has to do with my wordpress account of what. :)