Tuesday, June 03, 2008

15 down....

So back in March (I think) I joined Sparkpeople.com looking not to loose weight, but just to make better choices and basically be healthier. The weight loss to me is just an added bonus. I topped in at 200 pounds then. That's about where I hover. Anyway, since then I've been doing a lot of reading on weight reduction and healthy living and have made small, easy changes in our daily lives that have added huge benefits. I'm down 15 pounds since then.

I started by writing down EVERYTHING that went into my mouth in a day. I tried writing all the calories and carbs, fiber, protien, etc content, too but it was too much to keep up with so I just wrote the amount of food and what it was. (1/2 c milk with 1 c cereal, kind of thing...) Actually getting out the measuring cups to measure portion sizes has helped, too.

Then, I made an effort to eat less more often. This was and continues to be the trickiest thing for me. I tend to eat A LOT at one time, then not eat for a long while and I know that's not good for me, so this eating less more often is a challenge.

Something I also struggle with is consuming enough water. I just don't drink enough. Maybe a glass with each meal and then nothing again thru the day. I'm working on it, but it's not coming easy.

For exercise, I've been chasing 4 BOYS around. That sounds like it should be enough, but obviously it hasn't been. If the weather would ever get nice again, we could be riding bikes more often, but it's been pretty crappy. Each of the last two nights, though, I've been able to take a brisk 2 mile walk with either one or both of the babies and being able to leave the bigger boys home (so I do get to walk MUCH faster!) I've really enjoyed that and if I remember to bring my iPod, it should be even better (and maybe even longer!) I don't sit much during the day, so I'm getting in my 10,000 steps, I'm sure.

Then, there are the food choices. I've tried to make them better. Our meals are more chicken and lean beef....less cream cheese and sour cream. Seems like most of my recipes call for one of those and it's been tricky to cut them out. I'm still on the look out for yummy, healthy recipes so if you have some, PLEASE let me know! I'm so glad my kids like veggies, though. That really does make things easier!

Anyway, that's what I've been doing....stay tuned for the weigh in on Friday morning!!


  1. Jessie - that is so awesome! Congratulations.

  2. I LOVE the saving dinner cookbooks for healthy meal choices. Check out savingdinner.com for menu e-mails that include shopping lists and everything.

    Kris P.


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