Saturday, October 27, 2007


Remember that contest I won for a Busy Body Book? Well, it came today and all I can say is YOU NEED TO HAVE ONE!!! They are amazing. Yes, they have 5 columns, which is what initially drew me toward this planner. However, now that I've gotten to inspect this amazing planner I have to tell you it is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! There's a pocket in the front and a pocket in the back for stashing little notes (like those pesky appointment reminder cards from the doctor's office), a MOVEABLE bookmark with a ruler on the back, the left side of the page is a doodle page half lined to make additional notes and the other part is unlined to doodle (perfect for the kids to draw on while waiting for the dr!). The right side of the page is the five columned calendar. All the holidays are marked on there. On the doodle pages, there are also friendly reminders sprinkled here and there like "January is 'Get Organized Month'-Start in the Kitchen!" There are tear out to do sheets! So, I can make my grocery list and tear it out when I get to the store instead of wondering which pocket I stashed it in for safe keeping. There are pages for writing contact information (I'm thinking I'll keep dr addy's and phones on them) so that I always have it with me. There's a place in the back for each month of NEXT year so that you can store that info there to transfer to your new BUSY BODY BOOK when you get it. And there is space for notes near the back, too. Each page has 3 note blocks, so you can keep your notes organized! YAY! I'm telling you: Seeing is believing and you NEED one of these planners. Trust me.

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