Thursday, November 09, 2006

My boys....

This morning Riley thought that TJ needed to "dress up for Halloween" so he put Rugby's Shrek mask on him....

Then tonight, Rugby was playing with some dominos.....let's see if you see what he sees. The kid is pretty creative!

I was talking to his substitute teacher this morning and she said that she loves having him in class. She said he's hilarious and is a great helper. She was also blown away by his artwork. There are some pictures hanging up on the art room wall that have won awards within the school and during his free drawing time in art class he copies the pix...the sub said they look JUST like the pix hanging up. Hopefully he'll keep up with his creative side!

Tim headed back to the old house this weekend, we've got renters moving in on Monday. He was going to work at the duplex tonight, spend tomorrow on the house and head home. This morning he got a call from HJ Martin. They want him to work tomorrow in Port Washington....they thought that was close to here....they thought we were in Menomonee Falls. LOL! So, anyway, he did decide to go, so he'll spend his birthday working there and come home on Saturday night sometime. The extra money will be nice, though!!

Hope all is well with you!

1 comment:

  1. The mask is TOO funny! And that's cool about the pics!


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